πŸ’‘ Find a modelID

All models you can use from the webapp are available in the API.

To find the modelID, you have two ways:

  • using the API, you can call the GET /models endpoint. You will obtain a paginated result of the models available. Documentation available here: https://docs.scenario.com/reference/getmodels

  • using the webapp, you can extract the modelID from the URL. On the model page, the modelID is on the URL between /models and ?team=

    • Here the model is 3D Doll Character. The URL is https://app.scenario.com/models/K3BljGQCQFSDFWnxtGAKZg?teamId=fNgr87cOQ9WZB2JNqYHUug
      In this case, modelID will be K3BljGQCQFSDFWnxtGAKZg